Daxtra Parser
Convert CV/resume and job data into a structured, searchable format with incredible accuracy across multiple languages.
What does Daxtra Parser do?

Extracts data from 150+ fields
Parses candidate and job information from over 150+ data fields across multiple document styles, converting it into structured XML or JSON data. Extracts CV/resume data, including personal and contact information, skills, work and education history. Extracts job data including title, type, location, salary details, contact information, required qualifications and skills.

Parses in 40+ languages
Parses CV/resume and job data in 40+ languages. We have built comprehensive knowledge of geographical name, address and number formats, which is constantly updated by our machine learning and our team of language engineers.

Flexible implementation
We provide support for multiple integration methods, including REST or SOAP APIs, a range of integration scripts and multiple output formats. Daxtra Parser can be supplied as an on-premise or hosted service, running from a secure, auto-scaling cloud-based platform.

Unique Skills Taxonomies
Our vast native skills taxonomy covers industry, skills, job titles, qualifications and languages, with specific taxonomies for sectors such as IT, finance & banking, insurance, legal, oil & gas, healthcare & pharmaceutical and engineering. We also support custom taxonomies, which can be enhanced with our native taxonomy.

“Daxtra Parser enabled Webrecruit to get the information we need from CVs quickly, efficiently and with a high degree of accuracy. It was incredibly straightforward to integrate into our ATS, and the support from Daxtra has been first-class. I would have no hesitation in recommending Daxtra Parser.”
Matt Hildred, Chief Technology Officer
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